Joe Laipple, Ph.D.
Browse by our authors.
Breaking Bad Habits: How to Create Change that Sticks
When I first started working in a call center, I asked a supervisor of thirty years to estimate how many change initiatives she had seen in her career. I shouldn’t have been surprised when she said…
Buy-In is Overrated
A big mistake leaders make when implementing change is spending too much time trying to get buy-in.This well intentioned approach not only delays getting to the change that matters but creates severe…
Are Fires Running Your Organization?
I’m amazed at the epidemic of firefighting that has taken over organizations. Stretched organizations are asking people to do more with less and to maintain or grow the business, yet these same…
Who Really Bats 1000 Anyway and Why Change Efforts Fail
Let’s start with what you have. If leaders were to use baseball-style measures of success, most would agree that batting 1000 is unheard of, and batting 500 is also an unlikely target. Most would…
Arming Sales Managers for Success
Sales people spend more time with their customers than their bosses. If we leave customer behavior out of the equation, we are ignoring reality. This missing element contributes to the…