J.C. Penney Provides OOPS #14

Can you believe it! J.C. Penney hired a therapist to help employees cope with the firing of former CEO Ron Johnson. I need to add this to my next edition of OOPS: 13 Management Practices that Waste…

Why is it Always THE PEOPLE?

Maybe it is because I turned 78 last week, but it seems that every day I read something or see something on TV that drives me crazy. Even though by the usual standards, I am at the age where people…

Breaking Bad Habits: How to Create Change that Sticks

When I first started working in a call center, I asked a supervisor of thirty years to estimate how many change initiatives she had seen in her career. I shouldn’t have been surprised when she said…

Praising the Boss on Boss’s Day? Not so Fast.

Patricia Bays Haroski who worked for her father in a State Farm Insurance Agency in Deerfield, IL, registered October 16 as Boss's Day with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in 1958. She chose October 16…

Buy-In is Overrated

A big mistake leaders make when implementing change is spending too much time trying to get buy-in.This well intentioned approach not only delays getting to the change that matters but creates severe…

It’s Budget Season! Let the Waste of Time and Money Begin

“{The corporate budgeting process} sucks the energy, time, fun, and big dreams out of an organization. It hides opportunity and stunts growth. It brings out the most unproductive behaviors in an…

PSU Sanctions: What’s a New Coach to Do?

As the NCAA delivered its sentence to Penn State University and its football team last week, it’s natural to think about those who will be most affected by the consequences; the players and their new…

Making Today Connect With Year End: Now’s the Time

Are you frustrated when desired change doesn’t stick?  Creating sustainable and accelerated change requires a daily focus.  How then do we connect our todays with the end of the year?…

Are Fires Running Your Organization?

I’m amazed at the epidemic of firefighting that has taken over organizations. Stretched organizations are asking people to do more with less and to maintain or grow the business, yet these same…

Who Really Bats 1000 Anyway and Why Change Efforts Fail

Let’s start with what you have. If leaders were to use baseball-style measures of success, most would agree that batting 1000 is unheard of, and batting 500 is also an unlikely target. Most would…

Good Intentions, Bad Effects

By Darnell Lattal Throughout the past several years, ethics has made its way into business headlines, more often than not for bad rather than good. What people may be surprised to know though is…

NFL Kick-Off: Can the Pats Write a New Ending to the Haynesworth and Ochocinco Sagas?

It’s that time of the year again, when diehard football fans anxiously await the start of the new NFL season.  This off season has been particularly interesting. Yes, because of the lockout but…

Schools and Our Children: Administrations and the U.S. Education System Get a Failing Grade

School bells may be ringing across the country but I am convinced now more than ever that we are not prepared to provide the best education possible for our kids. I was disheartened to learn of the…

A Perspective on Culture and Brand Japan, Post-Tsunami

I came across an article from NPR (Of War and Kisses: How Adversity Shapes Culture) that provides great context for how cultures are shaped and nurtured.  Before I go further, I think it’s…

Steve Jobs: Recent Appearance Raises the Question of Legacy Planning

Sure the Apple community was thrilled yesterday when the man who runs what is arguably the most highly valued tech company in the world, took to the stage to launch its latest product amidst stepping…

Safety in the News: Why We Are Still "Safe by Accident"

Two recent articles, one in USA Today and another in the Wall Street Journal are once again illustrating unfortunate examples of organizations (and industries) that are at risk for…

Survey Says?

Surveys can uncover a lot, but it’s what you do with that information that counts. While organizations commonly use surveys to gather information and identify opportunities for improvement, very few…

Oops #13: Mergers, Acquisitions, and Other Forms of Reorganizing

Mergers, acquisitions, and other forms of reorganization have increased dramatically over the last decade, and with increased globalization they will continue into the foreseeable future. However, if…