13 Things that Scare the Devil Out of Me!

1. Managers who try to change “attitude” without pinpointing specific behaviors 2. Authors who attribute performance problems to lack of “intrinsic motivation” 3. Economists who act as though they…

Arming Sales Managers for Success

Sales people spend more time with their customers than their bosses.  If we leave customer behavior out of the equation, we are ignoring reality.  This missing element contributes to the…

Good Intentions, Bad Effects

By Darnell Lattal Throughout the past several years, ethics has made its way into business headlines, more often than not for bad rather than good. What people may be surprised to know though is…

NFL Kick-Off: Can the Pats Write a New Ending to the Haynesworth and Ochocinco Sagas?

It’s that time of the year again, when diehard football fans anxiously await the start of the new NFL season.  This off season has been particularly interesting. Yes, because of the lockout but…

“Let Me Speak to Your Supervisor”

Guest post by John Green Does customer service have to be a thing of the past? Even the Superbowl ad from CarMax, an online used car buying service, brought to light the strong and effective…

Oops #11: Promoting People No One Likes

Executives very often look to promote people who are smart, hardworking, ambitious, and technically competent. But what they often don't see is that the person is also arrogant,…

Fostering Creativity in the Workplace

I read an article recently (ABC News) that reported on what the magical number of emails a person can “stand” a day before they feel overloaded: 50 emails! That is not the number they receive, only…

OOPS #9: Overvaluing Smart, Talented People

Many companies waste a lot of time and money trying to find and hire smart, talented people. The knowledge and technology exists today to create a high performing workplace with the people you have…

OOPS #8: The Sandwich

The sandwich method of correcting performance is probably the most common way that managers are taught to deal with poor performance.  It is called the sandwich method because criticism is…

OOPS #7: "You Did A Good Job, But..."

The meanest, most contemptible kind of praise is that which first speaks well of a man and then qualifies it with a "But," --Henry Ward Beecher (1813-1887)

If You Missed Undercover Boss, Watch the Re-Run

After an intense Super Bowl game does not seem like a prime spot in the TV schedule to premiere a new show, but according to ratings, Undercover Boss proved to be one of the most watched post-…

The Reason Some Athletes Think They Are Above the Law is Because They Are!

My opinion of Falcon’s head coach, Mike Smith, dropped several notches week before last because of his action in the Babineaux case.  For those who don’t follow the Falcons NFL football team,…

Perfectly Motivated People: What’s Your Definition?

Employee engagement is one of the topics that makes headlines in today's strained economy.  In an article on CNNMoney.com Less Pay. More Hours. Unhappy Workers. it was reported that…

More Bad TV Bosses: Gordon Ramsay: Brilliant Chef, Lousy Manager

To Aubrey's list of the bad examples by TV bosses, and to those of you who submitted your own recommendations, the winner is, Gordon Ramsay. As a dedicated foodie, watching Ramsay is both…

Employee-of-the-Month & Ranking

Third in a series: Employee-of-the-Month is one of the most common management tools used to motivate employees. Learn why it is one of the worst things you can do.

Tough May Have Got You Here But It Ain't Gonna Get You There

Where do you fall on the management spectrum; kick butt and take names or boss-of-the-year?  Understand what makes for a good leader and how IQ and GPA do not equate to being a good boss. …

Oops #2: Stretch Goals

  The 2nd Management Practice That Wastes Time & Money: Stretch Goals.

Oops #1

The 1st Management Practice That Wastes Time & Money: Employee of the Month (and most other forms of recognition and reward).