Looking for something specific? The following topics address a wide range of business needs and challenges.
Perfectly Motivated People: What’s Your Definition?
Employee engagement is one of the topics that makes headlines in today's strained economy. In an article on CNNMoney.com Less Pay. More Hours. Unhappy Workers. it was reported that…
More Bad TV Bosses: Gordon Ramsay: Brilliant Chef, Lousy Manager
To Aubrey's list of the bad examples by TV bosses, and to those of you who submitted your own recommendations, the winner is, Gordon Ramsay.
As a dedicated foodie, watching Ramsay is both…
Oops!: The Biggest Mistakes Made By TV’s Top Bosses
From Mary Tyler Moore to Mad Men, the workplace has served as the setting for many of television's most acclaimed and beloved series. It's no wonder. The office provides the ultimate backdrop for…
Guest Blogger: Russell Justice Offers His Gems From Oops!
I just finished reading and studying a new book by mentor and friend Dr. Aubrey Daniels - OOPS! 13 Management Practices that Waste Time & Money (and what to do instead). Below are my gems.…
Employee-of-the-Month & Ranking
Third in a series: Employee-of-the-Month is one of the most common management tools used to motivate employees. Learn why it is one of the worst things you can do.
Nature’s Dirty Trick
I knew that OOPs! was going to be controversial when an executive who was asked to review the manuscript said, "I found myself getting angry as I read it." Of the 13 management practices that…
Oops #4: Ranking
The 4th Management Practice That Wastes Time & Money: Ranking. I also discuss ranking in my latest appearance on ABC's Money Matters.
Google is Looking for Answers in the Wrong Place
In a May 19th article in the WSJ, Scott Morrison wrote, Google Searches for Staffing Answers. The article is about the fact that Google has recently lost a number of top executives and other midlevel…
Talk Does Not Cook Rice
On hearing of the North Korea test of a nuclear bomb, Obama said, "The U.S. will take action." I hope he will. However, I am afraid that he meant that he will get other people (U. N. and China) to…
Is Management Broken?
In an article in Fortune Magazine (May 11, 2009) called, How Business Can Stand Tall Again, David Gergen quotes Bill George, former CEO of Medtronic as saying that the cause of today’s economic…
Ask Aubrey: The Performance Matrix
Ask Aubrey Question:
I am working on implementation of Performanace Matrices. I'm struggling with establishing the correct "behaviors". In some cases the catagories I'm picking truly seem like…
“We Are Lost, But We Are Making Good Time”
In a USA article about GM’s decision to close 15 plants for 9 weeks, Stephen Spivey, a senior auto analyst for the research company of Frost & Sullivan is quoted as saying, "Production has…
AIG Is At It Again
AIG is in the news again. They are being beat over the head because someone has found that they have 374 bonus plans. While most people are upset seeing the word attached to AIG in any way, the fact…
Tough May Have Got You Here But It Ain't Gonna Get You There
Where do you fall on the management spectrum; kick butt and take names or boss-of-the-year? Understand what makes for a good leader and how IQ and GPA do not equate to being a good boss. …
When Will They Ever Learn?
I was recently reading a paper on "grade inflation" published by the American Council of Trustees and Alumni. It states that "In the face of acknowledged grade inflation, the Princeton…
Oops #1
The 1st Management Practice That Wastes Time & Money: Employee of the Month (and most other forms of recognition and reward).