Strategy Execution

Looking for something specific? The following topics address a wide range of business needs and challenges.

Outsourced: New Show Bound to Spotlight What NOT to do When Managing in New Cultures

I can’t help but think that Outsourced, a new workplace comedy scheduled to air this week, will give us another reason to laugh at potential real-life business scenarios. In a vein similar to…

"Up In The Air"

With all the buzz surrounding the new movie “Up in the Air” I’ve put it on my must see movie list for the Holidays. I’m particularly interested because in today’s business environment, these…

Oops!: The Biggest Mistakes Made By TV’s Top Bosses

From Mary Tyler Moore to Mad Men, the workplace has served as the setting for many of television's most acclaimed and beloved series. It's no wonder. The office provides the ultimate backdrop for…

Speak of the Devil

In OOPS! , mergers and acquisitions is one of the 13 management practices that waste time and money. In a Business Week article, Drug Mergers: Killers for Research by Catherine Arnst she quotes Dr.…