Our Dynamic Speakers
When you hire an ADI speaker you can count on high-quality presentations, expert information grounded in science, and a workforce transformed. Our speakers are thought leaders and passionate about behavioral science. While each of our ADI presenters have their own unique style and approach to engaging audiences, they all are experts in behavior and are sound business advisors who can speak with authority across varying work environments and industries. Not only will your audience be compelled to take action, but they will also understand the practices, strategies and tools needed to drive sustained organizational change.
Sample Speaker Topics
Bringing Out the Best in People: Inspire your leaders to motivate employees to do their best by understanding and effectively using positive reinforcement.
Science, Safety Leadership, and Accelerating Change: Learn how behavioral science can make your workplace safer and lead to exemplary safety performance.
A Leader’s Role in Improving Engagement: Engage your workforce and learn how a sound behavioral approach can maximize employee productivity and Discretionary Effort™.
Behavior-Based Safety: Building a Safe Work Environment: Create consistent, safe behavior across every level of your organization by systematically applying the science of behavior change.
Creating a High-Performing Safety Culture: Enable and direct the specific actions across your organization that are tied directly to building a culture of safe habits.
Inspiring Creativity in the Workplace: Uncover the critical steps for creating a workplace that generates novel and lasting solutions to the challenges facing your organization.
And So Much More: Our expert speakers can customize a presentation on topics such as performance management, leadership development, operational efficiency, and workplace safety.
Engaging Audiences
You don’t have to sacrifice useful content to get engaging speakers. ADI speakers use vivid, real-life examples to bring important concepts to life and inspire change, leading attendees to enjoy themselves while they learn valuable insights. Whether online or in-person, let ADI’s expert presenters excite and educate the audience at your next conference, executive retreat or event.
The Science of Behavior
Industries We Serve
ADI helps clients apply positive, practical approaches grounded in the science of behavior. Here are a few of the industries we serve.
ADI Speaker Spotlight
A dynamic and powerful speaker, Judy Agnew, senior vice president, can energize and impact audiences of all sizes. This Q&A video provides a closer look at Judy’s personal style and insight into how she works with clients to deliver expert presentations.
Is your organization safe by accident? Judy Agnew and Aubrey Daniels outline seven common practices that don’t work and strategies for what to do instead. This book gives you the knowledge and ADI speakers give your organization the inspiration to see it through.