Achieving Rapid Change

Time is valuable, so why waste it?

Organizations expect action on the part of its leaders and employees. They expect outcomes not redundancies that are typical of reoccurring meetings and tend to produce no real progress.

Enter The 3-Minute Meeting—an unexpected approach to both staff and time management that is welcome news to anyone whose schedule is crammed with back-to-back meetings that fail to result in decisive action.

In his book, Rapid Change: Immediate Action for the Impatient Leader, Joe Laipple introduces this highly effective approach. The 3-Minute Meeting provides a science-based approach that leverages the power of positive reinforcement and puts employees and managers on a path to producing results rather than watching the time go by in meetings.

If you want to bring about rapid change, you have to start with incremental steps. A critical component of ADI training and consulting engagements, the 3-Minute Meeting is one example of the type of small, immediate actions that leaders can start taking now to produce big, long-term results.

Here’s how to achieve “rapid change” with The 3-Minute Meeting:

  • Plan and conduct The 3-Minute Meeting five times each day.
  • Begin with general topics to put the employee at ease.
  • Ask clear, concise questions that allow employees to describe what they did to achieve good results.
  • Help employees see what is hiding in plain sight – the actions that they are doing that lead to better results.
  • Conclude the meeting by asking the employee for something specific they will focus on as a result of your discussion.
  • Follow up the next day at the start of The 3-Minute Meeting to ask “how did that work out?”

The power of conducting The 3-Minute Meeting is in the clear, concise questions that allow employees to describe what they did to achieve good results. By helping employees see what is hiding in plain sight, leaders will positively reinforce actions that boost performance and achieve meaningful change.

Read more about Rapid Change