Knowledge of Behavior Is Never Irrelevant

Can you believe it, they have me blogging. At age 73, no less. Hey, behavior changes. I have just read Growing Up Digital the latest book by Don Tapscott. He talks a lot about the NetGeneration, ages 11-31. The book is written for people older than 31 because those younger than 31 have grown up digital. They don’t need to be told about it—they are it.

The book has certainly shown me in detail that the way people communicate, even buy and sell, has changed dramatically in just the last few years. It will only continue at an ever increasing rate. No one seems to talk about what is driving these changes. Most think it is technology but there is plenty of technology that never draws a crowd. What is driving the current change is what has always driven change—reinforcement. The technologies that survive and thrive are those that provide the most positive reinforcement for the users.

In Bringing out the Best in People, I wrote about the Nintendo Generation and how they would change the way business operates. However, they are now in their 40s. Although the Nintendo Generation are not irrelevant to business today, many of them are falling behind the technology curve.

At my age I have one consolation – behavior will never be irrelevant. Those who understand it will have a happy and productive life. Those who don’t understand behavior may never have this. Although much remains to be discovered about human behavior, much is known. Unfortunately, what we know is not widely known. I believe that the more people know about behavior—that is the scientific study of behavior known as behavior analysis—the better off everyone will be.

The purpose of this blog will be to dialog about behavioral issues not only in the workplace but in life in general. I will try to share things that I have learned, discuss the latest research in behavior analysis and its implications for daily life and to learn from your experiences in the workplace.

I am excited about this new venture and I hope that as people comment and bring up workplace issues that you will find the commentary useful and thereby positively reinforcing.


Posted by Aubrey Daniels, Ph.D.

Aubrey is a thought leader and expert on management, leadership, safety and workplace issues. For the past 40 years, he has been dedicated to helping people and organizations apply the laws of human behavior to optimize performance.