Overworked? Could Reducing Workloads be the Key to Improved Results?

We may be at a tipping point.  It just might be that we have hit the limit on how much we can do on any given day, week or month.  Most of us have more work on our to-do lists than we can…

Foraging in Lab and Life

In medical research it is well established that the biology of rats and mice is sufficiently similar to humans that these nonhuman species are used routinely and without challenge to further the…

Is Alfie Kohn Conning You?

One of my colleagues sent me a link to a New York Times article by Alfie Kohn, Do Our Kids Get Off Too Easy?.  As with most articles by Mr. Kohn, I shouldn’t respond but figured somebody might…

Doing What Comes Naturally: Shaping

The WiFi connection in my apartment is not the greatest. When I try to use my various gadgets for connecting to the internet from my bedroom, the service often cuts out, leaving me suspended outside…

Really? or Don’t Say Stuff You Don’t Mean

Every parent has heard their child(ren) say “Well, if you don’t let me (fill in the blank), then I will (fill in the blank).”  Every child has heard their parent(s) say, “Well if you (fill in…

An Experimental Life

Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Do not be too timid and squeamish about your actions. All life is an experiment.”  For most of my adult life I have been in the enviable position of being able to do…

Lessons from a French Washing Machine

(Note: This commentary was written during Dr. Lattal’s sabbatical year in France) My apartment in France came with a washer/dryer combo unit, which is simply wonderful. The last time I…

Leaving our Children Behind

There is a great deal of emphasis on testing and outcome in American education circles these days.  School systems, individual schools, and individual teachers all have had the onus on them to…

Semper Fi

“Always faithful” is a message not only for members of the United States Marines but also for anyone involved in changing behavior. The core principle of behavior change is reinforcement, and the…

Fair Words Butter No Parsnips

I ran across this quaint old expression recently in an 1839 novel by British writer Frances Trollope (the mother of Victorian novelist Anthony Trollope, for you trivia fans). Though it was my first…

When Companies Suffer from CEOpathy

The antivirus company Symantec seems to have been infected by its own virus — what I call CEOpathy. In March 2014, the security company fired its CEO for the second time in two years. And,…

Using Better Mousetraps

A common aphorism is that if you “build a better mousetrap, the world will beat a path to your door."  Although that was not really what Ralph Waldo Emerson said, this common expression survives…

A Kiss is Just a Kiss

Or is it? What makes things the same and what makes them different? When I say “a kiss” or “she kissed me,” certain images are conjured up. What is conjured, however, may vary hugely. A kiss given by…

A Review of "The Natural History of the Rich" by Richard Coniff

Richard Coniff takes some of the lessons he has learned from writing a number of books on natural history, specifically, the behavior of nonhuman animals in their natural habitats, and extrapolates…

You Get What You Pay For: More on Shaping Behavior

Environments shape behavior even when people don’t.  A more fundamental behavioral process is difficult to imagine. Skilled shapers - people like animal trainers in amusement parks, most…

Focusing on "Focus"

Announcer during the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, after watching US gymnast Gabby Douglas fall off the balance beam in that event’s final competition: “Her focus is just not on today.”   “…

When Training to Competency Does Not Equal Competent Trainees

If you were to look at how your organization provides training, at what point are participants considered “competent” in the material? Or, better yet, do you even have a means for capturing this type…

Why GE’s Talent-Review System’s Secret Ingredient is Still a Secret

Raghu Krishnamoorthy, a vice president at GE, recently wrote an HBR-Online article about GE’s secret ingredient to its purported Talent-Review System.  One can assume by reading the comments on…