AUDIO 17 March 2020 Animal Training Academy | Organizational Solutions
Animal Training Academy Interviews Bryan Shelton, ADI Consultant
Everyone’s Behavior Makes Sense to Them!Hi, I’m Ryan, the founder of Animal Training Academy. For the past 13 years, I’ve been working as a professional animal trainer around the world, including in New Zealand, Australia, Canada and the US. I’ve trained teams, developed animal training programs, been published in leading industry magazines, spoken at…
AUDIO 10 June 2014 LDRLB with David Burkus | Organizational Solutions
An Interview with Aubrey Daniels: Performance Management
AUDIO 11 March 2013 Business Next | Organizational Solutions
Employee Motivation
Business Next's Michael Rogers Interviews ADI's Senior Vice President, Strategic Services, Joe Laipple in this 6-segment podcast on Employee Motivation
Original air date-March 11, 2013.
For more on what not to do around employee motivation, read this blog from Aubrey Daniels, Why Some Managers Fail at Getting Effective and Efficient Performance.
AUDIO 22 January 2010 | Organizational Solutions
Oops #1: Employee Of The Month (EOM)
Seems harmless enough; Employee of the Month (EOM). The problem is that only one person is positively reinforced for their performance, leaving the rest of the organization viewing their performance as insignificant. Listen to hear how EOM violates all principles of effective reinforcement and what organizations ought to do to instead. (Length: 9:02)…
AUDIO 22 January 2010 | Organizational Solutions
Oops #2: Stretch Goals
Stretch goals are widely defined as goals that are met only ten percent of the time. Setting goals is not the problem; its understanding why we set goals in the first place, and particularly when there is only a ten percent chance of reaching them. Aubrey C. Daniels discusses what happens to organizations that set stretch goals and what they can do…
AUDIO 22 January 2010 | Organizational Solutions
Oops #3: Performance Appraisal
Why do organizations insist on continuing the annual performance review process when it is hated by employees and managers alike? Even if they conduct reviews more frequently, it still does not ensure better performance from their employees. Listen to what organizations do wrong and what specifically they should focus on as it relates to…
AUDIO 22 January 2010 | Organizational Solutions
Oops #4: Ranking
Organizations that use a ranking process do so in an effort to motivate employees. What they don’t understand is that, among other things, it creates internal competition and doesn’t motivate the ones on the bottom to improve or create high performance from those at the top. Listen to hear others ways of motivating employees to get the best performance all…
AUDIO 22 January 2010 | Organizational Solutions
Oops #5: Rewarding Things A Dead Man Can Do
What do having no accidents, making no errors and handing out a bonus across the board have in common? They all reward things a dead man can do! Listen to hear what you can do instead. (Length: 7:46)
AUDIO 22 January 2010 | Organizational Solutions
Oops #6: Salary and Hourly Pay
The modern organization wastes more time and money in the way people are compensated than it wastes in any other area of the business. Salary and hourly pay is not contingent on the employee doing anything other than ‘showing up’. Listen to hear what organizations can do differently to reward those that add value. (Length: 6:16)
AUDIO 22 January 2010 | Organizational Solutions
Oops #7: "You Did A Good Job, But..."
The meanest, most contemptible kind of praise is that which first speaks well of a man and then qualifies it with a “But,” –Henry Ward Beecher (1813-1887)
Listen to ways in which managers unintentionally demotivate employees, learn management traps to avoid, and understand the power of the 4:1 ratio. (Length: 6:14)