There They go Again: National Ban on Texting While Driving

There is no question that if no one used cell phones while driving, lives would be saved but so would not eating while driving or drinking a Coke or looking at GPS or talking to a passenger or…

Improving Post-Accident Behavior

Predictability is one word you could use to describe an organizations reaction after an accident. It is quite common for organizations to jump to some kind of response after an incident or accident…

Why Some Managers Fail at Getting Effective and Efficient Performance

To succeed in business today, everything must constantly be scrutinized. As such, leaders and managers are forced to evaluate and reevaluate performance; specifically the performance of their people…

The Key to Understanding At Risk Behavior

Drs. Judy Agnew and Aubrey Daniels tackle the issue of reporting and acting on unsafe behavior in this latest video blog.  Watch as they discuss why management must not only listen but act,…

Discipline and Safety: What You Need to Know Before You Act

While discipline is important under the right conditions, it can also be overused and misused. In this video blog, Dr. Judy Agnew describes the potential problems discipline can cause if not used…

Good Intentions, Bad Effects

By Darnell Lattal Throughout the past several years, ethics has made its way into business headlines, more often than not for bad rather than good. What people may be surprised to know though is…

Personal Responsibility Within a Behavioral Approach

We have received much positive feedback on our book Safe by Accident and we are delighted that so many people find it helpful.  There is one issue that some people are struggling with so we want…

Just do it!

Guest post by Christina Simms Understanding why we procrastinate and how to beat it. Having trouble whittling down your To-Do list? Do you find yourself saying (albeit with confidence) “I’ll get to…

Incident Investigation: Using Science to Develop Safe Working Habits

Understanding human behavior scientifically is critical in safety, particularly when it comes to investigating when something has gone wrong. In this video blog, Dr. Judy Agnew and Dr. Aubrey Daniels…

A Dozen Ways to Weather the Economic Storm

Nowadays you can’t turn on the television, pick up a newspaper, or read a magazine without seeing headlines about jobs and the turbulent economy. Inundated with negative news and experiencing the all…

Why Incentives and Safety Don’t Mix!

In our latest video blog, Dr. Judy Agnew and Dr. Aubrey Daniels challenge commonly used safety incentives.  Who doesn’t like a good challenge or contest, right?  True, but safety incentives…

My Boss Doesn’t Hear Me When I Speak

Understanding your boss’ behavior could be the difference maker.  “Listening is teaching and talking is learning.” Think about it. When we actively listen, we are really shaping behavior; in…

Lagging Indicators: Don’t Get Caught Focusing on the Wrong Safety Measures

Yesterday, the Federal Government filed its final report on what caused the 2010 Gulf oil spill. It’s no surprise that there are number of factors that contributed to this disaster. One of which…

NFL Kick-Off: Can the Pats Write a New Ending to the Haynesworth and Ochocinco Sagas?

It’s that time of the year again, when diehard football fans anxiously await the start of the new NFL season.  This off season has been particularly interesting. Yes, because of the lockout but…

Parenting and Behavior: Examples From Real Parents

I want to start by saying ‘thank you’ to those who sent me stories of how you applied the tools and principles of behavioral science to your parenting challenges.  I wish I could recall all of…

Safe For What? Why Most of Us Are Focusing on the Wrong Things When it Comes to Safety

Who doesn’t want to be safe?  But, more times than not, organizations focus on safety for safety-sake instead of as the gateway to quality, cost and production. In this latest video blog, Dr.…

My 30 Day Plan to Create Jobs

How long do you think it will take the government to figure out the jobs dilemma?  I am sure that Congress and the President are busy working on this in the middle of their vacations.  I…

Schools and Our Children: Administrations and the U.S. Education System Get a Failing Grade

School bells may be ringing across the country but I am convinced now more than ever that we are not prepared to provide the best education possible for our kids. I was disheartened to learn of the…