Ask Aubrey: Insanely Simple or Just Insane?

Here's a recent question that came to me via Twitter Question:   [SIC] What is your take on this quote from the book Insanely Simple: The Obsession That Drives Apple's Success by Ken Segall…

Who Really Bats 1000 Anyway and Why Change Efforts Fail

Let’s start with what you have. If leaders were to use baseball-style measures of success, most would agree that batting 1000 is unheard of, and batting 500 is also an unlikely target. Most would…

Arming Sales Managers for Success

Sales people spend more time with their customers than their bosses.  If we leave customer behavior out of the equation, we are ignoring reality.  This missing element contributes to the…

Coaching Your Way to Safe Habits

Much of ADI’s consulting work focuses on designing strategies to accelerate and sustain good practice throughout the workplace. We strive to help people develop true fluency—the ability to do the…

It’s Not Your Money! A Radical, But Necessary, Solution to Government Waste

In the Congressional hearings on the GSA excesses, several members of Congress expressed outrage about the way GSA executives spent money on meetings – lavish hotels, parties, gourmet meals, etc.…

Schools Can Learn a Better Way: Reverse Engineering the School Day

I am passionate about many things, not the least is what we could do in America’s classrooms. The thought occurred to me recently:  How long does it have to fail before someone realizes that the…

Has the Daily Deal Lost Touch?

It would go against logic to think that companies wouldn’t consider the customer first, especially today. Yet, I was surprised to read in a recent Fast Company article, Do Groupon and LivingSocial Do…

The Ten Commandments of Performance Measurement

Employees who have a stake in the financial success of their organization are much more focused and engaged in their work and aware of how it impacts the overall success of that organization than…

Don’t Ruin My Basketball With Your Mega Millions Jackpot

WVU Mountaineer play-by-play announcer @TonyCaridi tweeted this morning, “If you won the Mega Millions lottery….what 3 hoop officials would you pay to never work another game?” I thought Tony had hit…

OSHA Memo Warning about Improper Use of Safety Incentives and Discipline

Managing consequences such as incentives and punishment are thorny issues in safety. ADI has long held that monetary bonuses based on injury counts/rates are problematic for a number of reasons…

You Don’t Have to Show Them the Money Because it is Not About the Money!

A colleague, Tyler, asked me the other day during a discussion about the pay for performance bounty escapade, “What is $1000 to a millionaire?” That is like saying to your buddy at the bar, “…

Are Nuclear Power Plants Too Safe?

Even though the anniversary of the Japan tsunami is less than a year old, the U.S. is licensing new nuclear power plants for the first time since 1978.  While it would be understandable to react…

Feedback is the Breakfast of Champions

Guest post by Russell Justice (aka Mr. Whiskers) My mentor and friend Aubrey Daniels first introduced me to this principle years ago. Since then, it continues to prove itself true in my life and…

Helping and When it Doesn’t

There is much being said by politicians these days about helping the poor.  The problem is that everything done by Congress for the past 40 years has not helped.  Earned Income Tax Credit,…

Productive Plan for 99ers

I happened to catch the Platform to Employment segment on 60 Minutes this week and couldn’t help but applaud!  Now this is a productive plan. This non-profit has gone well above and beyond…

Positive Reinforcement Can Kill

The news media recently reported the death of a man in a gaming café. He had been playing League of Legends for 23 hours. Police suspected that “a combination of tiredness, lack of movement and the…

Why Wall Street Won’t Ever Change Their Spending Ways

I’m going to get right to the point.  I have little faith that Wall Street will ever get smarter about how they spend their money. The reality is they have too much of other people’s money and…

How to Kick Start Your Career

There is no better way to start out the New Year than to be invited to CNN. I had the pleasure of sharing some tips for kick starting your career for the New Year.  Whether you are looking…