Strategy Execution
Looking for something specific? The following topics address a wide range of business needs and challenges.
An Example of Leadership Success: Leading through Core Values and Mission
The tenth and final blog in this series is dedicated to one leader’s commitment to supporting one of his life’s missions—ensuring people live their best lives. Many leaders go through life…
Frontline Supervisors: The Key to Safety Culture
Discussions of safety culture improvement often focus on senior leaders, which is appropriate since senior leaders are the ones who must define the desired safety culture, set the vision and values…
An Example of Safety Leadership Success: Moving Towards a Just Culture
Want an improved safety culture that cultivates communication and problem solving? Make a systems approach the primary tool in your safety leadership strategy. This ninth blog is dedicated to…
The Case for Conducting a Behavioral Lean Maturity Assessment
Organizations that embody continuous improvement are exemplars within and outside of their respective industries. Ironically, we measure nearly every key metric critical to the forward progress of…
An Example of Leadership Success: Putting Safety First
It’s easy to preach “safety is number one” when the sky is blue, but what you do when the sky goes grey is what really matters. This third blog is dedicated to highlighting one leader’s example…
Four Reasons Lean Initiatives Fail and How Leadership Can Help
It’s been estimated that at least 60% of continuous improvement initiatives fail to achieve their desired results. In reaction to lackluster results, I’ve seen budget cuts, SME resignations, training…
Common Leadership Errors: Failing to Develop People
In 1969, Laurence Peter and Raymond Hull authored the book, The Peter Principle. To summarize their research findings and developed principle, their concept sounds like this: in many…
Common Leadership Errors: Failing to Create Sustainability
Common Leadership Errors: Failing to Create Sustainability
Organizations are constantly evolving to keep up with a changing world. This evolution can include refinements to strategy, systems,…
Not Another Survey
ADI regularly incorporates perception surveys into our work. Surveys are cost-effective and have several applications such as assessing organizational culture, doing a pulse check on the reliability…
Caution—Don't Try This At Home
In my experience, mistakes can be our greatest teachers under two conditions. We must take the time to understand both why they happened, and how to change our behavior to prevent repeating them. I’d…
7 Ways to Improve Agile Practices with Behavioral Science
Agile project management methodologies are no longer confined to software development or technology companies. As rapid innovation creates the need for increased adaptability, organizations have…
Behavior Change is Risky Business
All projects and change efforts involve behavioral risk. They require people to start doing some things or to do things differently. When sustained behavior change is a requirement, those responsible…
Leadership Success—A critical measure of effectiveness
In the book Measure of a Leader, the authors state, “The best predictors of leadership are found in the behaviors of the leader’s followers.” Measuring a leader by the success of the people he…
Practical Solutions to Your Biggest Workplace Challenges
CEO’s are faced with many challenges, but what are the most common? The Predictive Index released a report outlining top CEO concerns. Fortunately, each of these challenges can be successfully…
Critical Leadership Actions for Change: Explaining the Why
Change is necessary in order for organizations to evolve successfully. Change can also bring with it a volcano of emotions from those who are affected. Surprise, confusion, and even fear are common…
Another Failed Change Initiative: 3 Roadblocks to Successful Change and How to Remove Them
A failed change initiative is costly—wasted time and money on failed implementation, lost ROI on the projected results of the change, and decreased trust from employees in leadership’s ability to…
Hear No Evil: Yes-Men Leadership
Leadership requires confidence in one’s ability to make good decisions. Yet that confidence does not guarantee quality in the decision making. Sometimes confidence isn’t well founded. The dark side…
Survivor: Feeding the Fire
In the long-running TV reality series Survivor, starting and maintaining a fire has always been a fundamental and immediate need. Without the proper tools, merely generating a spark can be…