Getting New Employees Game Ready

The start of the school year is my favorite time of the year because it marks the start of the college football season. While college freshmen have plenty of adjustments to make, freshmen football…

5 Tips for Improving Your Effectiveness as a Coach

There is always a lot of buzz surrounding leaders– what makes an effective one, are they born or made, and why do some transform into bad bosses.  Yet the most common trending topic today seems…

PSU Sanctions: What’s a New Coach to Do?

As the NCAA delivered its sentence to Penn State University and its football team last week, it’s natural to think about those who will be most affected by the consequences; the players and their new…

Why Some Managers Fail at Getting Effective and Efficient Performance

To succeed in business today, everything must constantly be scrutinized. As such, leaders and managers are forced to evaluate and reevaluate performance; specifically the performance of their people…

Twitter: More Than a Social Platform—An Effective (and Cool!) Tool for Building Fluency in Pinpointing

Without fail, one of the most challenging tasks managers and leaders face in building coaching fluency models is developing pinpointing skills. I see it consistently with my new clients during their…

Coaching ROI: Approach is Everything

Coaching, like leadership, is one of the most highly ‘Googled’ terms today. It wasn’t long ago that coaching was perceived as something poor performers received as a last ditch effort to improve…

TSA Brings Problems on Itself

As the Thanksgiving travel begins to increase, so too do the TSA screening stories! If you have been watching TV in the last week, you are probably sick of the "should they – shouldn’t they" conduct…