Survey Says?

Surveys can uncover a lot, but it’s what you do with that information that counts. While organizations commonly use surveys to gather information and identify opportunities for improvement, very few…

San Francisco Board of Governors and McDonald’s in a Food Fight

The San Francisco Board of Governors recently voted to prohibit McDonald's from selling Happy Meals with a toy unless the contents of the Happy Meal meet certain criteria: it contains less than 600…

Google Follow Up

The following is a comment on my post "What Was Google Thinking?!" My response required more than few words so you'll find it below. Question What would be an appropriate model for…

End-of-Year Bonuses; Some Parting Words

As the end-of-year bonus season approaches, remember the words of Thomas Gilbert, who said, Money is a beautifully honed instrument for recognizing and creating worthy performance. It is the…

What Was Google Thinking!

The headline read “Google Gives All Employees Surprise $1,000 Cash Bonus, 10% Raise.” While I believe that companies should work to pay employees as much as possible, there is a right and wrong way…

Cigarette Warnings: Government Approach is Well Intended But Won’t Change Behavior

Several weeks ago Secretary LaHood unveiled with considerable fanfare, a new attack on smoking where manufacturers will be required to display on the top half of the pack of cigarettes larger, more…

Inspecting Our Way to Safer Food?

The Senate, this week, approved a bill that will require food manufacturers and farmers to use scientific techniques to prevent contaminated food from reaching our dinner tables.  It also…

The Unseen Obstacle in Reducing Any Deficit, Government or Otherwise

Everybody seems to have a plan for reducing the deficit.  President Obama created a National Commission of Fiscal Responsibility. There is the Bipartisan Policy Center’s Debt Reduction Task…

TSA Brings Problems on Itself

As the Thanksgiving travel begins to increase, so too do the TSA screening stories! If you have been watching TV in the last week, you are probably sick of the "should they – shouldn’t they" conduct…

Things that Drive Me Crazy: Behavioral Economists

What started with Dan Pink’s “Drive” has now compelled me to discuss Things That Drive me Crazy. In this first installment, I challenge “Behavioral Economists” and their lack of expertise in…

A World Without Whistleblowers

Whistleblower.  The word often carries with it the stigma of a tattle-tale from childhood.  Few children liked those who tattled as they might eventually tell on them.  Although there…

Relationships & Safety: Is There a Link?

Does your relationship with your boss or your employees have any effect on how safe the environment is?  My colleague, Judy Agnew, writes in her latest article “Why Relationships Matter in…

Oops #13: Mergers, Acquisitions, and Other Forms of Reorganizing

Mergers, acquisitions, and other forms of reorganization have increased dramatically over the last decade, and with increased globalization they will continue into the foreseeable future. However, if…

Don’t Forget the Boss…Or should you?

It’s that time of year again, where someone out there, has declared October 16th as National Boss's Day.  Now I’m not saying Bosses shouldn’t be recognized for their efforts (assuming they…

Rewarding Things a Dead Man Can Do

On the face of it, rewarding things a dead man, or woman, can do sounds crazy. But corporations do it every day! Have no accidents, make no errors, and be at your workstation or desk are three of the…

Leadership Debacle at The Tribune Company

Interesting and scary New York Times article on how bad management practices at the top of The Tribune Company have trickled down and poisoned the company’s culture, kept it stuck in …

Oops #12: Downsizing

As a business person I understand the appeal of downsizing. As sales slow and cash flow is depleted, the facts on the side of such action seem compelling. The problem is that, of the many reasons…

Ask Aubrey: What's Your Take on the JetBlue Incident?

The Question: Some weeks ago, Steven Slater, the former JetBlue flight attendant acted out the fantasy of a large contingent of employees who have had enough of on-the-job stresses. After a heated…