Safety Rewards Can Be Dangerous

I just finished reading an ISHN article on safety incentives and the value of a gift card reward system to promote safety. To say that I didn't like it is an understatement. It reminds me of the many…

Setting Supervisors up for Safety Success: 5 Tips for Building Engagement

No matter the industry, in all my years of experience working across organizations, from the hourly workforce to the executive team, I have always found the most difficult job to be frontline…

Is “Deskilling” a Threat to Safety in Your Workplace?

Maybe you’ve heard the term de-skilling. It refers to the loss of knowledge or skills on the part of a person as a result of technology doing more of the work for them.  In work environments…

Electronic Performance Monitoring: When Good Intentions Turn to Digital Hammers

Electronic performance monitoring tools (let’s call them EPMs) are becoming more prevalent in the workplace.  The transportation sector seems to be leading the pack at the moment.  Dr. Ron…

Punishment, Parenting and Safety

Recently, I came across an article that caught my eye: Parents’ Harsh Words Might Make Teen Behavior Worse.  As the parent of a 13 year-old and someone who has written extensively on the ill…

1984 May Be Closer Than You Think

I received an unsolicited email from a company that is selling software that they say “can reveal to you (SIC) what your employees do during business hours. It reminded me of George Orwell’s popular…

Why is it Always THE PEOPLE?

Maybe it is because I turned 78 last week, but it seems that every day I read something or see something on TV that drives me crazy. Even though by the usual standards, I am at the age where people…

7 Keys for Creating a Safety Culture

In my consulting work and in presenting to large groups, the topic of creating or supporting a safety culture comes up without fail.  What I find most often is a varied understanding of what is…

Coaching Your Way to Safe Habits

Much of ADI’s consulting work focuses on designing strategies to accelerate and sustain good practice throughout the workplace. We strive to help people develop true fluency—the ability to do the…

OSHA Memo Warning about Improper Use of Safety Incentives and Discipline

Managing consequences such as incentives and punishment are thorny issues in safety. ADI has long held that monetary bonuses based on injury counts/rates are problematic for a number of reasons…

Are Nuclear Power Plants Too Safe?

Even though the anniversary of the Japan tsunami is less than a year old, the U.S. is licensing new nuclear power plants for the first time since 1978.  While it would be understandable to react…

Improving Post-Accident Behavior

Predictability is one word you could use to describe an organizations reaction after an accident. It is quite common for organizations to jump to some kind of response after an incident or accident…

The Key to Understanding At Risk Behavior

Drs. Judy Agnew and Aubrey Daniels tackle the issue of reporting and acting on unsafe behavior in this latest video blog.  Watch as they discuss why management must not only listen but act,…

Discipline and Safety: What You Need to Know Before You Act

While discipline is important under the right conditions, it can also be overused and misused. In this video blog, Dr. Judy Agnew describes the potential problems discipline can cause if not used…

Incident Investigation: Using Science to Develop Safe Working Habits

Understanding human behavior scientifically is critical in safety, particularly when it comes to investigating when something has gone wrong. In this video blog, Dr. Judy Agnew and Dr. Aubrey Daniels…

Why Incentives and Safety Don’t Mix!

In our latest video blog, Dr. Judy Agnew and Dr. Aubrey Daniels challenge commonly used safety incentives.  Who doesn’t like a good challenge or contest, right?  True, but safety incentives…

Lagging Indicators: Don’t Get Caught Focusing on the Wrong Safety Measures

Yesterday, the Federal Government filed its final report on what caused the 2010 Gulf oil spill. It’s no surprise that there are number of factors that contributed to this disaster. One of which…

Safe For What? Why Most of Us Are Focusing on the Wrong Things When it Comes to Safety

Who doesn’t want to be safe?  But, more times than not, organizations focus on safety for safety-sake instead of as the gateway to quality, cost and production. In this latest video blog, Dr.…