Creating a Safe Physical Environment: Don't Look to the Frontline

While it may seem logical to think that frontline employees are responsible for creating a safe working environment, they are not the ones who have control over budgets or resources. In this latest…

Do Relationships Matter in Safety?

When it comes to safety, organizations need more than just compliance; they need people to follow the rules all the time, even when no one is watching. In this short video segment, Dr. Judy Agnew…

Gambling with Safety

Why companies unknowingly put themselves at risk It’s probably a fair statement to say that companies are interested in supporting a safe work environment in their organizations. But it is all…

Mining Safety No Reality in Coal TV Series

Spike TV's show Coal provides a window into the practices of the Cobalt coal mine in McDowell County, West Virginia.  The series clearly presents the pressure to bring the coal to the…

Eliminating Rare Errors – Even Sleeping Air Traffic Controllers

It’s happened again! An air traffic controller deliberately made his bed and slept in it while 7 different aircraft were trying to safely land at a Tennessee airport. I think it’s safe to assume this…

Will Safety Issues Entangle Spiderman?

Workplace Safety will not improve until OSHA learns the basics of behavior change I couldn’t help but be amused about an article in the New York Times reporting the latest citation by Federal…

Safety in the News: Why We Are Still "Safe by Accident"

Two recent articles, one in USA Today and another in the Wall Street Journal are once again illustrating unfortunate examples of organizations (and industries) that are at risk for…

Inspecting Our Way to Safer Food?

The Senate, this week, approved a bill that will require food manufacturers and farmers to use scientific techniques to prevent contaminated food from reaching our dinner tables.  It also…

A World Without Whistleblowers

Whistleblower.  The word often carries with it the stigma of a tattle-tale from childhood.  Few children liked those who tattled as they might eventually tell on them.  Although there…

Relationships & Safety: Is There a Link?

Does your relationship with your boss or your employees have any effect on how safe the environment is?  My colleague, Judy Agnew, writes in her latest article “Why Relationships Matter in…

Lifeguard on Duty: Swim at Your Own Risk!

Typically when we read headlines that relate to personal safety, we are smacked in the face with the obvious.  In a recent New York Times article, they raised the issue, albeit late in the…

Lessons From BP

CEBViews recently posted an article Learning from BP  (Steven Williams, 9-9-10) which outlines three lessons that are worthy of executive and management attention. Their first point is…

BP Was Gambling With Safety, Are You?

In a recent NY Times article the chairman of a government panel investigating the gulf rig explosion said that “time after time, BP appeared to have gambled with safety”.  While it is easy to…

Food Safety: Who is in Control? Would you believe nobody?

With the recent outbreak of salmonella poisoning caused by egg contamination, it raises the debate yet again, “Who’s in Control of our food safety?” I was appalled, but not surprised, to read the…

Creating a Culture of Safe Habits Begins with Identifying the Best Pinpoints: Hazard-driven Behavior Pinpointing in BBS

All of the talk lately has been focused on ‘what went wrong’ to create what turned out to be disastrous work environments in the case of BP’s Deepwater Horizon well explosion in the Gulf and the…

Employees Have Spoken…Fear and Failed Leadership Prove Disastrous in Safety

Finally, we hear the truth! In a July 21st  NY Times article, "Workers on Doomed Rig Voiced Concern About Safety" results of a confidential survey completed by employees in the weeks…

Safety Leadership: Who's Accountable?

Recent events in mining, oil production, and even drug manufacturing uncover costly and more importantly deadly mistakes. Understanding the laws of behavior and applying them to environments where…

What IS Behavior-Based Safety?

For the past few months, I’ve been working on a safety leadership book with my colleague, Judy Agnew and it really got me thinking about the evolution of behavior-based safety. I began writing about…