Why is it Always THE PEOPLE?

Maybe it is because I turned 78 last week, but it seems that every day I read something or see something on TV that drives me crazy. Even though by the usual standards, I am at the age where people…

Play Angry Birds if You Want to Know Leadership?

Well, it had to happen.  I received an email advertising a series of papers, HR Lessons from Angry Birds.  It seems that what or whoever becomes famous will sooner become the subject of a…

Boston: A Note of Reflection

As so many of us take pause after hearing the news of the Boston tragedy, we look for ways to process the events, for the right way to talk with our children, and ways to keep ourselves calm and…

Google Translate: Great Tool but a Word of Caution

We are up with the times!  We have added a new feature, Google Translate, to our blog. While this proves to be a great tool for our global audience I must warn you of one thing. Because our work…

I Am Not a Category! Redux

I have written on this and will probably do so again but an email advertisement for a book, Wars at Work, caught my attention recently.  The author, Kaveh Mir, believes that psychometric tests…

A Review of "The Science of Consequences" by Susan Schneider

This 260-page book is written for the educated layman with an interest in science and behavior, but with no formal training in behavior analysis required. Schneider takes the reader on a broad-…

Urinal Gamification Misses the Mark

However inconvenient it might be sometimes, emptying your bladder is inevitable. You might want to do it at the time, especially if the time is the middle of a long road trip, but it’s not something…

Finding Success at Work

Whether implementing change or improving performance, leaders constantly juggle decisions and issues that impact organizational success. At the core of most of these business issues are people. …

Consequences in Social Media

Guest Post by Julie Terling, AVP Marketing, ADI Social Media tools and networks are being developed and launched at such a breakneck speed; it’s hard to keep up. Most of us come across these tools…

Breaking Bad Habits: How to Create Change that Sticks

When I first started working in a call center, I asked a supervisor of thirty years to estimate how many change initiatives she had seen in her career. I shouldn’t have been surprised when she said…

7 Keys for Creating a Safety Culture

In my consulting work and in presenting to large groups, the topic of creating or supporting a safety culture comes up without fail.  What I find most often is a varied understanding of what is…

I’m Outsourcing My Own Job! What’s the Problem With That?

Now this borders on ingenious and unethical and takes the concern for employee engagement to a whole new level.  I was stunned to read last week about a software developer who literally…

Jillian Michaels IS The Biggest Loser

(Note: Feb. 2014) This week's finale of The Biggest Loser illustrates how the show may inadvertently reinforce the wrong behaviors. The desired result is to the lose the most weight but how the…


Look what ADI gave me for Christmas! What will they think of next?    

Intrinsic Motivation Redux

In a recent blog post, on a topic I was attempting to have some fun with, I received a very passionate comment that I felt warranted its own attention. I referred the comment to someone whom I…

Why Washington’s Debt Crisis Plans Won’t Work and What Will

“If some people get any cheer out of a $328 billion debt ceiling, I do not find much to cheer about concerning it." [Congressional Record, June 16, 1965, p. 13884].  This quote is from Senator…

Prosthetic Environments: Optimizing the Talent Around Us

ADI’s mission has and will always be to help people and organizations apply the scientifically-proven laws of human behavior to optimize performance. We are excited to announce the launch of The…

Surveys: You Get What You Give

We recently put Surveys to the test on our website.  We polled our clients to find out if they felt that Employee Surveys were worth their time.  With more than 50% of the vote, clients…