Why Wall Street Won’t Ever Change Their Spending Ways

I’m going to get right to the point.  I have little faith that Wall Street will ever get smarter about how they spend their money. The reality is they have too much of other people’s money and…

Why Some Managers Fail at Getting Effective and Efficient Performance

To succeed in business today, everything must constantly be scrutinized. As such, leaders and managers are forced to evaluate and reevaluate performance; specifically the performance of their people…

My Boss Doesn’t Hear Me When I Speak

Understanding your boss’ behavior could be the difference maker.  “Listening is teaching and talking is learning.” Think about it. When we actively listen, we are really shaping behavior; in…

NFL Kick-Off: Can the Pats Write a New Ending to the Haynesworth and Ochocinco Sagas?

It’s that time of the year again, when diehard football fans anxiously await the start of the new NFL season.  This off season has been particularly interesting. Yes, because of the lockout but…

My 30 Day Plan to Create Jobs

How long do you think it will take the government to figure out the jobs dilemma?  I am sure that Congress and the President are busy working on this in the middle of their vacations.  I…

Horrible Boss? Kill Them With Kindness...or More Specifically, Positive Reinforcement!

With all of the hype surrounding the new movie release “Horrible Bosses,” it forces those of us that have had a horrible boss in the past to relive our own experiences. In an article I read this week…

A Perspective on Culture and Brand Japan, Post-Tsunami

I came across an article from NPR (Of War and Kisses: How Adversity Shapes Culture) that provides great context for how cultures are shaped and nurtured.  Before I go further, I think it’s…

For Women Only: When is Talking About Yourself Helpful to Your Career?

While reading an article from the Huffington Post by Marcia Reynolds titled, When Women Talk about Themselves, They Earn More, it reminded me of something my actress daughter said jokingly that…

Steve Jobs: Recent Appearance Raises the Question of Legacy Planning

Sure the Apple community was thrilled yesterday when the man who runs what is arguably the most highly valued tech company in the world, took to the stage to launch its latest product amidst stepping…

Survey Says?

Surveys can uncover a lot, but it’s what you do with that information that counts. While organizations commonly use surveys to gather information and identify opportunities for improvement, very few…

The Unseen Obstacle in Reducing Any Deficit, Government or Otherwise

Everybody seems to have a plan for reducing the deficit.  President Obama created a National Commission of Fiscal Responsibility. There is the Bipartisan Policy Center’s Debt Reduction Task…

A World Without Whistleblowers

Whistleblower.  The word often carries with it the stigma of a tattle-tale from childhood.  Few children liked those who tattled as they might eventually tell on them.  Although there…

Relationships & Safety: Is There a Link?

Does your relationship with your boss or your employees have any effect on how safe the environment is?  My colleague, Judy Agnew, writes in her latest article “Why Relationships Matter in…

Oops #13: Mergers, Acquisitions, and Other Forms of Reorganizing

Mergers, acquisitions, and other forms of reorganization have increased dramatically over the last decade, and with increased globalization they will continue into the foreseeable future. However, if…

Leadership Debacle at The Tribune Company

Interesting and scary New York Times article on how bad management practices at the top of The Tribune Company have trickled down and poisoned the company’s culture, kept it stuck in …

Oops #12: Downsizing

As a business person I understand the appeal of downsizing. As sales slow and cash flow is depleted, the facts on the side of such action seem compelling. The problem is that, of the many reasons…

Ask Aubrey: What's Your Take on the JetBlue Incident?

The Question: Some weeks ago, Steven Slater, the former JetBlue flight attendant acted out the fantasy of a large contingent of employees who have had enough of on-the-job stresses. After a heated…

Oops #11: Promoting People No One Likes

Executives very often look to promote people who are smart, hardworking, ambitious, and technically competent. But what they often don't see is that the person is also arrogant,…