The Royal Baby: Does Gender Matter When it Comes to Leadership and Ethics?

Update: It’s been announced that the Duchess of Cambridge has given birth to a Baby boy.  The UK government has changed the 300-year-old laws on royal succession to ensure that a first born…

1984 May Be Closer Than You Think

I received an unsolicited email from a company that is selling software that they say “can reveal to you (SIC) what your employees do during business hours. It reminded me of George Orwell’s popular…

J.C. Penney Provides OOPS #14

Can you believe it! J.C. Penney hired a therapist to help employees cope with the firing of former CEO Ron Johnson. I need to add this to my next edition of OOPS: 13 Management Practices that Waste…

Being a Well-Liked Leader

I was recently asked by CEO Blog Nation to give my thoughts on what qualities make for a great leader. Let me hear from you. Add a comment below and tell me what qualities are important to…

Why is it Always THE PEOPLE?

Maybe it is because I turned 78 last week, but it seems that every day I read something or see something on TV that drives me crazy. Even though by the usual standards, I am at the age where people…

Play Angry Birds if You Want to Know Leadership?

Well, it had to happen.  I received an email advertising a series of papers, HR Lessons from Angry Birds.  It seems that what or whoever becomes famous will sooner become the subject of a…

I’m Outsourcing My Own Job! What’s the Problem With That?

Now this borders on ingenious and unethical and takes the concern for employee engagement to a whole new level.  I was stunned to read last week about a software developer who literally…

Jillian Michaels IS The Biggest Loser

(Note: Feb. 2014) This week's finale of The Biggest Loser illustrates how the show may inadvertently reinforce the wrong behaviors. The desired result is to the lose the most weight but how the…

Surveys: You Get What You Give

We recently put Surveys to the test on our website.  We polled our clients to find out if they felt that Employee Surveys were worth their time.  With more than 50% of the vote, clients…

Hallelujah! A Step Forward at Last!

Something worth sharing from my good friend Verne Harnish’s blog: People are the #1 Challenge -- surveying audiences around the globe, including the 500 CEOs and executives attending the October 2012…

It’s Budget Season! Let the Waste of Time and Money Begin

“{The corporate budgeting process} sucks the energy, time, fun, and big dreams out of an organization. It hides opportunity and stunts growth. It brings out the most unproductive behaviors in an…

Making Today Connect With Year End: Now’s the Time

Are you frustrated when desired change doesn’t stick?  Creating sustainable and accelerated change requires a daily focus.  How then do we connect our todays with the end of the year?…

Are Fires Running Your Organization?

I’m amazed at the epidemic of firefighting that has taken over organizations. Stretched organizations are asking people to do more with less and to maintain or grow the business, yet these same…

Ask Aubrey: Insanely Simple or Just Insane?

Here's a recent question that came to me via Twitter Question:   [SIC] What is your take on this quote from the book Insanely Simple: The Obsession That Drives Apple's Success by Ken Segall…

Who Really Bats 1000 Anyway and Why Change Efforts Fail

Let’s start with what you have. If leaders were to use baseball-style measures of success, most would agree that batting 1000 is unheard of, and batting 500 is also an unlikely target. Most would…

It’s Not Your Money! A Radical, But Necessary, Solution to Government Waste

In the Congressional hearings on the GSA excesses, several members of Congress expressed outrage about the way GSA executives spent money on meetings – lavish hotels, parties, gourmet meals, etc.…

Feedback is the Breakfast of Champions

Guest post by Russell Justice (aka Mr. Whiskers) My mentor and friend Aubrey Daniels first introduced me to this principle years ago. Since then, it continues to prove itself true in my life and…

Productive Plan for 99ers

I happened to catch the Platform to Employment segment on 60 Minutes this week and couldn’t help but applaud!  Now this is a productive plan. This non-profit has gone well above and beyond…